Hitogata Happa
- Solo Voyage - Nobilmente -

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Rank Player Platform Ship StageScore Comments Entered Date
1EnigmaPCFoolALL450,760,400 [pic] [rpy]Redid this silliness in order to get a replay of it. Maybe some day I'll clear this mode with more dolls, but not all as some of the dolls can't possibly beat the TLB that has to be fought on Nobilmente and Higher on this mode.2015-03-01

RankPlayerPlatformCharacterStageScoreCommentEntered Date
1EnigmaPCFoolALL450,760,400 [pic] [rpy]Redid this silliness in order to get a replay of it. Maybe some day I'll clear this mode with more dolls, but not all as some of the dolls can't possibly beat the TLB that has to be fought on Nobilmente and Higher on this mode.2015-03-01